-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * DATA DIVISION * REPLY TO THIS LAME LSD-VLLE.TXT. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is following on to the J.R text that waz released earlier today. As a representative of a group of Data-Division memberz i can vouch for everything that J.r. has written...Prisoner approached us on different occasions slagging J.R. off and telling us to drop being data division members and to join his group!!!! He also said that if we wanted to continue to be in Data Division..we should get J.R. kicked out as being LEADER.. We fully support J.R. and want these stupid war of words to stop. PRisoner is out of order by releasing his text and nobody should pay attention to it. It is up to the user involved which group they want to join and nobody should give them crap because of it!!!!! Also as a follow-on..anyone can take as much abuse as can been thrown on the bbs scene..but when you start slagging off peoples family..its time to take a long walk off a short pier...Arseholes... The Scene is getting bad enough as it is without all this shit..if it continues your all going to phuck it out of oblivion. NUFF SAID greets go out to the following dudes J.R Leader Data Division Grim Reaper Co-Leader PlAYBOY Co-Sysop ace.sysop gamma quadrant bbs. undertaker.sysop graveyard bbs. Medicine man chelsea occupier texas co-sysop.Dallas panther Horny Turtle soz to anyone we missed ..... ********************************************************************************* butch/reply who give's a shit about data division...... the facts are that ......that mother fucker is ripping people off.... i don't see any comments like when he is going to payup.... its people like jr that take the trust out of buying and selling through the bbs. theres people been named in the past files who jr has ripped off and what about the silent majority..... so don't flatter yourself with data division cos the past releases that were supposed to be fixed..there was nothing wrong with them ie man united double...and no comment on the cd32 crap...... little message for jr don't worrie m8 i can wait but i promise it will be sorted.